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Dial Gold antibacterial liquid soap



Practice routinely 2-3 times per day for the first 2 weeks. If you have a healing bandage, start this routine once you remove the bandage.

1). Wash your hands.


2). Wash your tattoo with Dial Gold antibacterial liquid soap.

  • Use your palm, firmly lather the soap on your tattoo.

  • Cup water in your palms to rinse off the soap.


3). Let your tattoo air dry, then apply ointment.

  • Take a small amount of ointment from the ointment jar using a NEW tongue depressor stick or glove. Avoid cross-contaminating the ointment by only using sterile objects, or clean hands (if you don't have the other options).


Tattoos take 6 weeks to fully heal.


Weeks 1 - 2

Your tattoo (damaged skin) will peel as your skin underneath repairs itself. This new layer will look shiny and sometimes raised until it's fully healed. This stage is ITCHY, but scratching your tattoo at all will damage the tattoo, expose it to bacteria, and prolong your overall healing process. 


This is the most critical time to follow the cleaning routine above.


If you start to experience any combination of excess redness, fever, odd scent, or pain more than just discomfort on or around your tattoo, contact your health care provider immediately. These are signs of possible infection.


Weeks 2 - 6

Your tattoo is still healing this time, but you can switch to unscented lotion (Lubriderm) and focus on keeping it moisturized. Stay out of oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. until your tattoo is healed.


X Go to the beach

Go swimming

Ice your tattoo

Itch or scratch your tattoo

Use cotton swabs or anything with fibers

Puncture holes in your healing bandage

Expose your tattoo to:

  • The sun​

  • Animal hair or saliva

  • Airborne pollutants (dirt, sand, chemicals)

  • Other people's touch

  • Cross-contaminated soap, ointment, etc.

Disclaimer. The content on this page is information from a licensed tattoo artist on how to care for a healing tattoo to the best of their knowledge. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider if you suspect you have an infection, severe allergic reaction, or other medical reaction after receiving a tattoo.

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